





Hi, I'm Reachel!

My journey with the voice began the ​moment I could utter my first ​sounds. As a teenager, I studied ​singing and guitar, but during those ​years, I also experienced trauma ​around my voice and self-​expression, feeling like I was failing ​in a world of competition, which led ​me to silence it for years.

My healing process began with ​understanding and releasing these ​blocks through ancient practices, ​and this opened the door to a deeper ​exploration of sound and -the ​voice’s incredible transformative ​power-

I studied education, which ​included speech and breath ​therapy, yet my most profound ​learning has come through direct ​experience and daily spiritual ​practice and inner-work. Over the ​years, I’ve guided hundreds of ​people in reconnecting with their ​voices and divine essence through ​courses and conscious gatherings, ​under the name 'Soulingua.'

My greatest joy is witnessing ​people blossom into their full ​expression, creativity, and ​purpose.

Find out more about

Soulingua here:


sacred geometry
sacred geometry
Glow Light


One month vocal immersion ​FaLL EDITION


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528 Herz is also called; the love frequency.

Music expresses itself as a geometry,

as a perfect pattern,

this perfect pattern is all around us,

and it is us too.

When we sing with devotion, with our open hearts, we are able to connect with this Wisdom, be this truth and feel harmonious & free.

The vocal courses offer a step by step process, that simply leads you back, allowing yourself to step into to a higher frequency, as you sound. Firstly, by releasing the layers, that stop you from simply Being.







Into your


Sri Yantra hand drawn

Sacred geometry is seen in music, in nature. It has been shown that sound changes the structure and movements on a cellular level. As we are mostly water, chanting specific mantra effects us deeply, on a physical and spiritual level.

Most of the meditations and mantra in the courses are recorded in 432 Herz, also called the miracle frequency.

Tuning your music to this frequency lowers blood pressure and heart rate, making us generally feel

more at ease.

Sacred Geometry Mystic Symbol

One - On - One Voice Coaching

Online & in person in Ericeira/Lisbon area

This course is for you if...

  • You have less to no experience with singing, but always wanted to sing, or simply express yourself more.
  • You want to align more within your deepest truth & expression. Unapologetically share your truth with the world.
  • You are already singing, and reaching a point where you want to learn more about technique & feel more confident, to speak and sing (in front of others and/or organise your own singing circles).
  • You want to implement singing as a ritual and meditation practice in your life, to connect deeper with yourself & your souls essence.
  • You are dealing with anxiety, stress and/or low self-esteem.
  • If you're feeling, generally, low in energy and want to connect more with your creative fire.
  • You want to experience relaxation, relief, release and fun with your own voice!
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Are you looking for a facilitator to host a sacred singing circle, voice activation

or life performance with healing/medicine songs?

Contact me



"My relationship with my voice is now completely different : I have learned to love it and have more confidence in it.

The approach is holistic, and that is the strength of this course"


"I’m feeling so much expansion and freedom in playing and exploring sound, reclaiming my voice."


"Feeling so much energy moving in my body. I was giving voice to what has been unexpressed for so long."


"Unleashing our voices by embracing messiness, beauty, and everything!

I'm able to express boundaries in a loving way, creating more space in my life."


"After one month, I don't know how, but I started to like my voice, which had never happened before."




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