Lev Tahor

Means; to purify the heart. An ancient prayer and a jam that reminds us that we are all One.







Into your


Music reveals itself as geometry—

a perfect pattern that surrounds us,

permeates us, and is us.

When we sing with devotion,

with open hearts,

we tap into this sacred Wisdom,

becoming one with truth,

feeling free,


and whole.

The vocal courses gently guide you through a step-by-step journey,

leading you back to your true self.

As you sound, you elevate into higher frequencies—

releasing the layers that once held you back,

allowing you to simply Be.

Sacred geometry is woven into music and nature
alike. It has been demonstrated that sound
profoundly influences the structure and
movement of matter on a cellular level. Since we
are primarily composed of water, chanting specific
mantras and sacred sounds deeply affects us—
both physically and spiritually.

Many of the meditations and mantras in these
courses are recorded in 432 Hertz, often referred
to as the “miracle frequency.”

This tuning is known to harmonize the body and
mind, helping to lower blood pressure and heart
rate, while fostering a sense of calm and ease.


Contact me

Are you looking for a facilitator to host a
sacred singing circle, voice activation ritual

or life performance with (original)
healing/medicine songs?


One month vocal immersion
(coming soon)


“Working with you, under your wisdom and guidance was, for me, one of the most important highlights of 2024.

You had a transformative impact in my life and contributed to consolidate my faith in God (whatever God each one of us worships) and the
importance of spiritual practice in my life - how we are not our whole selves without it.

Thank you for everything you have given me”

-Rita Coehlo

From recent course ‘Ancestral Wisdom’:

“I had tears and goosebumps and just like always so deeply touched whenever I receive something from you and this group. Thank you!

what a time to witness all of this and all of us. What an expansion of the heart amidst all the joys and hardships of humanity.”


“Felt more expressive than ever this week, the ripple effect flows to many other areas!”

-Andy Metta

“Yes life changing! Because, it's the 1st time in my 62 years here on planet earth, that I wrote a song and song it!!! I cannot say that I'm really
loving my voice yet. But I am in the process of starting to learn to love and accept my voice for what it is.”

-Vidya Singh

“Oh my god this is is breathtaking! The different stories, personalities and languages that blend into one song make it even more
amazing.Reachel, your kind soul, charisma, musical skills, the setup of this course and how you guided us through the journey were
something very very special. And all the “travelers” on the journey of discovering our own voices - you are brave, amazing and the
transformation you seem to have gone through is inspiring!”

-Karin Bleiweiss








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